Home therapy for indigestion

Your favorite foods can delight your taste buds. But if you eat too fast or consume too much of these foods, you may experience occasional indigestion. Symptoms of indigestion can include but are not limited to; – [ ] Bloating which is uncomfortable abdominal fullness after eating – [ ] Pain or a burning sensation in your upper stomach. – [ ] Nausea – [ ] Acidic taste in the mouth Indigestion isn’t a disease but a symptom of other gastrointestinal problems, such as an ulcer, gastritis, or acid reflux. Indigestion can have causes that aren’t due to the underlying disease. Examples include overeating, drinking too much, food intolerance, or taking pills on an empty stomach. Many people will have indigestion at some point. Instead of reaching for over-the-counter antacids to calm your stomach, you might try controlling symptoms with ingredients and herbs in your kitchen. Here are some home remedies I bet you didn’t know:

  • Eat a ripe banana. …
  • Chew sugar-free gum. …
  • Keep a food journal and avoid trigger foods. …
  • Resist the urge to overeat or eat quickly. …
  • Avoid late meals, snacking before bed, and eating before exercising. …
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing. …
  • Adjust your sleep position.
  • Peppermint

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